quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011

the mannah of the online retreat

No, I won't leave you with this painful curiosity of what this online retreat is!
Relieved? I hope so !- just kidding!
First, a little introduction: a couple of years ago I was looking for material that could help me to live the Lenten Season. It was then when I found a Jesuit site full of wonderful material - that I highly recommend! - and among them, there was this online retreat. I tried and loved it! Of course that it is not my only moment with our Lord, but undoubtedly it's been a very powerful tool that helps me to be in the presence of God! And you can experience it for yourself!
But one thing that I want to point out is that one should avoid making the retreat only superficially, reading it as if it was enough. I'd tell you to really stop, be entirely present before God, carefully listening to His voice and you will surely taste the sweetness of the Lord talking to you, acting in your innermost, leaving behind Him His mark of Love!
Want to try?? You sure should do so:


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