terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

the mannah of praising

"Sing psalms and hymns and inspired songs among yourselves, singing and chanting to the Lord in your hearts,
always and everywhere giving thanks to God who is our Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." ( Ephesians 5:19-20 )

Sometimes we feel like this is something really hard to live....how can we give thanks when everything is upside down and is tearing apart? When nothing is going as we had planned? When we are hurt and disapointed? When we can't see "the light in the end of the tunnel"?

Well, we believe that all that God orders us to live is not an order to opress us but to bring us Life! That's the whole point!
When we start to give thanks in the middle of a difficult situation, we keep our attention toward God and not toward the problem....! We focus our hearts in Him who is the only one who can save us, who really loves us, who is perfect in everything that He does....!
We must always remember that: 
"We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good." ( Romans 8:28 ).
That's the truth, the real truth!

Let's start to educate ourselves in praising, confidents that God is faithful and will be in charge of everything, working in a way that what is molesting us will be turned to something that brings Life and Victory in Him!
We should recall what happened to Paul when he was in prision......

I'd suggest you to read an excellent book called "Prison to praise" by Merlin Carothers. It's inspiring!
Want to take a quick look? Be my guest:

Foundation of Praise

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